Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Snow Hits

Well this time they weren't kidding. It really is a SNOW Storm. I'd hope to be on my way to Missouri but that's not in the cards today. At 2am I got an automated call from American saying my 8:25am flight had been canceled.

How bad is it? This from the Post:

A blizzard warning went into effect for the Washington region Saturday morning as snow continued falling faster than plows could clear it, and road officials pleaded for residents to stay home.

I took a measurement around 8am on my back steps. There was 8 inches. At 10am there was 10 inches. This is going to be one big storm. From what they say really heavy snow could last for the next 6 or more hours.

I have a flight out tomorrow afternoon at 4:45. I think by then the things should be back up and running.

1 comment:

  1. With tongue firmly planted in cheek:

    Well this just proves how much hot air those guys are spewing (no wonder they think there's global warming). Great post by the way and I couldn't agree more.
