Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My New Scanner

I haven't scanned anything lately because I wasn't able to. My old scanner would be activated when I started up the computer. I'd hear the whirring of something in the machine and then see the light under the lid. Then one day I started up the computer and nothing happened.

Well today I went out and got one of those all in one things: printer, scanner, fax, copier. I had a little trouble getting everything installed properly. There was something funny going on with the USB port. I called tech support and we went through a bunch of stuff. He concluded there must be something wrong with the USB port on the unit.

I was not pleased to say the least. I tested the USB cable I had on another printer and it worked fine. But I thought well maybe I could try another cable. I went to Radio Shack to see if they had any. They did and for $30 I could get a new USB cable. The printer only cost $80. So I wasn't going going to buy a cable for that amount of money.

I got back and decided to give it one more try. I looked carefully at the port on the HP Officejet All-in-One and noticed there was a small piece of plastic in there. I got it out and tried again. The results is below.

Scanning can start again!

1 comment:

  1. yes, always keep at it! Nothing ever seems to work well the first time I do it when it comes to new hardware like printers!!!
