Friday, February 05, 2010

It Begins

It is a little before 2pm on Friday and the storm has started. We got let out of work around non and the snow had started coming down. As you can tell by the pictures it is just the start of what is supposed to be huge storm.

This from the National Weather Service:
Looking back at the biggest storm of record for Washington DC... The January 1922 Knickerbocker storm ... 28.0 Inches of snow was produced from 3.02 Inches of liquid water. Current forecasts for this event have total liquid falling from this storm approaching 3 inches ... Which accordingly would create a snowfall that will rival the Knickerbocker storm total. Generally across the region ... 20 To 30 Inches of snow will fall by Saturday evening.

Oh my. I have a feeling were going to be pounded.

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