Sunday, March 14, 2010

Supporting Our Troops

Peter King from Sports Illustrated has launched a campaign to help out some of our troops in Afghanistan. King met Army First Sgt. Mike McGuire at a ball game in St. Louis several years back. They struck up a conversation at the game. Peter has kept track of Sgt. McGuire. McGuire will be going to Afghanistan again shortly. From King's column:

I asked Mike last year if there was anything he thought I could do for him and his troops when they deploy. He said it would be nice if the base that will likely be invented for his company -- as are many in remote areas of Afghanistan -- could have some or the comforts that the big bases have: a TV with video games, and weight equipment for the soldiers in the company to use in their downtime. The USO graciously offered to be the accountant for the project, and to collect the money -- and Mike and I agreed that any money raised beyond the $20,000 or so for his company's equipment will be used for other platoons in other remote areas of the war zones.

So far $124,500 has been raised. If you'd like to help out follow this link to the USO website.

I've contributed already and plan to do again.

It is after all the least I can do for their sacrifice.

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