Monday, May 31, 2010

Final Shots of Times Square

What an incredible trip. Here are the last two pictures I took before heading down to Madison Square Garden to get the bus back to DC. It was a fantastic trip.

The only thing I'd do differently is I'd stay over night Wednesday. That way when I get up on Thursday I'd have a whole day to do sight seeing. But that's for the next trip up.

The M and M Store

This is the huge M and M store that is about a block above Times Square. It is a very cool place to go. But the M and Ms are $12.99 a pound. I think I'll just buy them at CVS.

A Broadway Star

After Mamma Mia let out, I wondered around Times Square. I happened on the theater where the Addams Family was playing. The cast was coming out. So I decided to wait around and see who'd come out. The guys playing Lurch and Uncle Fester came out. They were easy to figure out because one was very tall and the other was bald. I waited a little while longer and along came Bebe Neuwirth.

Wednesday's Shows

Two great shows for Wednesday.

A Little Night Music. I remember a very long time ago going down to Chicago with a group in high school to see this show. It was so long ago that Margaret Hamilton played the Angela Lansbury role. The theater was small. Usually one that has plays rather than musicals in it. I was in row P dead center. I don't think I could have had a better seat. The show was fantastic. To be able to see Angela Lansbury wow. She was great in her role. Catherine Zeta-Jones was excellent too. A wonderful theater experience.

Yes, shocking to think I'd see Mamma Mia. The show was very good except for one performer who wasn't entirely up to snuff in my opinion. The audience was another matter. I ended up being in the non-English speaking section. Just about everyone around me was speaking Italian. They were also taking pictures like crazy. This was before the performance started. At one point I just closed my eyes so I wouldn't be blinded by all the camera flashed going off. Then during the performance they had this need to talk to each other. Now they didn't whisper no they tried to talk over the dialog and the songs. It got a little better during the second act and I finally got to really enjoy the show. Guess this means I'll have to see it again to get a proper New York experience.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Empire State Building

So I did the very touristy thing and went to the top of the Empire State Building. It was bright and beautiful and clear day so it made perfect sense. I went up to the 86th and the 102nd floors. At the 86th you can actually go outside and walk around. At the 102nd it's all enclosed. It was just spectacular.

Views from the Top

Wednesday was the start of Fleet Week in New York. These are a few of the boats coming in for the week. I got to see the aircraft carrier moved into it's dock. It was very cool.

More Views from the Top

These pictures are from as high as you can go at the Empire State Building. This is from 102nd floor.

The Carrier Comes into Port

The tugs get the carrier tuned and move it into the dock. It was very impressive. And all the little white dots on the deck are the sailors on board.

By St. Patrick's Cathedral

Here's a rather interesting juxtaposition. St. Patrick's Cathedral and this advertising in store windows across the street from the church. In fact in the one picture you can see the reflection of the cathedral.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Promises, Promises

After walking around Central Park, I checked into the hotel. A very nice place. Great location just a couple of blocks off Times Square. I rested for a little bit and headed out. I got a quick bite to eat at a Cosi with really slow service. The show was at 7 and I thought I wouldn't have enough time for a formal sit down place. Did have a delicious cupcake for dessert.

Then it was off to see Promises, Promises. Unfortunately, Kristin Chenoweth was sick. But her stand in did a great job. Sean Hayes was fantastic. I can see why he was nominated for a Tony. The scene he is in in the opening of the second act is absolutely hysterical. He's in a bar drunk and picks someone up. The song they do is A Fact Can Be a Beautiful Thing. Just a great display of talent.

The show was great.

After it I walked around Times Square for a while and then headed back to the hotel for some much needed rest.

Walking Around Central Park

After the Met, I walked back to the hotel to check in. On the way I walked into Central Park and saw some of the boats on one ponds there.

From the top of the Met

The roof top garden was open at the Met. It gives you some great views of the city and Central Park. They were also in the process of building this bamboo structure.

Things Picasso

The Met was putting on a retrospective of their Picasso collection. Here are a few examples.