After walking around Central Park, I checked into the hotel. A very nice place. Great location just a couple of blocks off Times Square. I rested for a little bit and headed out. I got a quick bite to eat at a Cosi with really slow service. The show was at 7 and I thought I wouldn't have enough time for a formal sit down place. Did have a delicious cupcake for dessert.
Then it was off to see Promises, Promises. Unfortunately, Kristin Chenoweth was sick. But her stand in did a great job. Sean Hayes was fantastic. I can see why he was nominated for a Tony. The scene he is in in the opening of the second act is absolutely hysterical. He's in a bar drunk and picks someone up. The song they do is A Fact Can Be a Beautiful Thing. Just a great display of talent.
The show was great.
After it I walked around Times Square for a while and then headed back to the hotel for some much needed rest.