2Political Podcast Episode 128
2Political Podcast Episode 128 is now available. You can listen to it or download it from the podcast site, 2political.com. You can leave comments there as well as download or listen to any episode (you can access the five most recent episodes from the list on the right side of my blog).
This episode has a little bit of a rant. We’ve been provoked—as have we all, actually.
To begin, Arthur explains New Zealand’s lockdown, like what the rules are. So far, people are complying. Much annoyed discussion follows. We also talk about how we’re coping with all this. We even talk about modern TVs!
This is a replacement for an episode we recorded last week, but it was a bad week for me, so I couldn’t finish editing it and, well, it got too old.
Jason’s Blog
Arthur’s blog, podcasts and videos can be accessed here.