Monday, May 24, 2010

Nats Win in Extra Innings

The 9th inning it seemed like the Nationals of old. They were ahead 3-1. All they needed were three more outs and they'd win the game. Instead Baltimore tied it up. The Nats came up in the bottom of the 10th. Josh Willingham stepped to the plate. He connects with the ball. As soon as he hit it everyone knew it was a home run. Here's Willingham rounding third and coming into home with his team mates ready to greet him.

From the Post:

The Nationals made themselves wait a little longer. In one instant, they were teetering toward a devastating, unlikely loss. In the next, fireworks exploded, Nationals tumbled out of the dugout and Josh Willingham's game-winning home run settled in the visitor's bullpen.

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