You're always asked if you want to buy the extended warranty when buying big ticket items. This is especially true say at Best Buy. I was asked that question when I bought one of my cameras. I declined. This is the one my light fixture fell on. I was told the warranty would have covered the replacement of it. Oh well.
The other thing that always seems to happen when you have warranty is that it expires and then something goes wrong with whatever you had it on.
I bought an extended warranty on my car. Never used it. I paid the car off early but I kept thinking I could have paid it off even earlier if I didn’t have that extended warranty. I’ve changed my mind on that. My check engine light came on about a week ago. I looked at the manual and it said to drive the car a few more times and if it doesn’t go off take it into service. So that’s what I did. The light did go off. But I looked into the extended warranty. It expired June 18. I decided I was going to take the car in and have it checked out.
I called up CarMax, where I bought the car, to set up an appointment. The woman who I spoke to said hey you have the warranty and the problem happened before it expired. We both laughed at that. She then asked how many miles I had on the car. I said around 36,000. I bought the car just about 5 years ago and it had 19,000 miles on it. She then kidded do you drive the car. I said I did and we both had a laugh again.
I took the car in on Tuesday. I expected it to be there one day. They found out the problem with the check engine light. The gas cap wasn’t sealing properly. But they also noticed another problem. Something with the struts and something splitting open and leaking and well you get the picture. Something else was wrong. If everything goes as planned I should be able to pick the car up tomorrow.
Oh yes because I have the warranty everything but $50 should be covered.
Glad to hear that the warranty will cover the problem, for the most part, never fun to see that engine light come on. I recently had to replace my engine since the head gasket blew, two days after I got the new engine in it, it died on me and ended up having a bad wiring hub... almost not worth it, but it's nice to have a working car that should be nice and strong for years to come.