Friday, June 25, 2010

The Incomparable Natalie Cole

Last night at Wolf Trap I got to see Natalie Cole. It's only taken me 30 years to finally get to see her. My brother and I were supposed to go and see her at Ravinia when I was in high school. Then a couple of years ago the two of us along with Jennifer were going to see her. But then she got sick.

Finally I got to see her. And was it worth the wait. To say she was great would be an understatement. And this is a woman who a little over a year ago had a liver transplant.

She started out by playing tunes from the 40s and 50s. Route 66, Walkin' My Baby Back Home, Fever, a wonderful jazzed up version of The Man That Got Away and of course Unforgettable. Then she did what I hoped she would do. She said now for some of my old fans and I know you're out there here's some stuff from before Unforgettable. She started off with Inseparable and from there it was Sophisticated Lady, Mr. Melody, I'm Catchin' Hell, This Will Be, and I've Got Love on My Mind. Natalie's encore was Our Love.

Below are a couple of videos of Natalie.

What an incredible night. What an incredible voice. What an incredible person. It was unforgettable.

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