Monday, August 30, 2010

The hypocrisy of Glenn Beck

I wasn't going to comment on this rally but felt I had to after Beck decided God his somehow guiding his every move.

I'm not going to go into all the arguments on how the selection of the selection of the date by Beck was Divinely inspired. I'm just going to say this.

The people that Beck and Palin spoke to on Saturday are all against the idea of a large federal government. They are very much for states rights. One of their arguments against health care reform that it was a massive intrusion of the federal government into state and personal decision essentially socialism.

One has to wonder how in the 60s how these people would have viewed the March on Washington. More importantly the subsequent legislation that came out of the movement. To start with the Voting Rights Act. One can wonder, no I think one can state with a degree of certainty, that Mr. Beck and Ms Palin and the vast majority of the people on the Mall would have been against such moves.

So saying they are reclaiming the Civil Rights Movement is very plainly and very simply hypocrisy with a capital H.

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