Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Metro Blows it Again

There was supposed to be a fare increase on Metro starting yesterday. But true to Metro form it was postponed because of the following reason:

Two Metro fare increases that were to be in effect Monday will not be imposed until Tuesday, after signs in stations caused confusion, Metro said Sunday night.

You can read more about it in a short article in the Post.

The interesting thing here is Metro figured this out on Sunday night. Right before the fare increase was supposed to go into effect. What was Metro doing up until then? When did they start posting the signs detailing the increase? Why did it take until Sunday night for them to figure out the signs were confusing?

Now this might seem like a small thing: signs not being right but it points to the on-going problem Metro has always had. And that is it's inability to communicate to passengers in a clear and timely manner what's going on.

Good to see some things never change.

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