The DC primary is on Tuesday. In many ways it's actually the general election. For instance when we vote for mayor on Tuesday we're really electing the next mayor. The notion that a Republican would ever be able to win the mayor's office is about as likely as I am of being elected Pope.
Speaking of mayor it appears that Vincent Gray will beat the incumbent Adrian Fenty. Most polls find Gray ahead by around 8 to 10 points. There are still a large number of people that are undecided around 10-13%. But they would have to break overwhelmingly in Fenty's favor for him to win. I'm not a huge fan of Fenty but Gray is well how does one put this I prefer my candidates to have a pulse. Gray to me is essentially lifeless. He seems to have no personality at all. He doesn't project leadership.
Fenty certainly does that and sometimes people find that abrasive. I like how the City Paper endorsed Fenty by saying Adrian Fenty: The Jerk D.C. Needs. Fenty is now admitting that maybe he should have been a little less of a jerk. This is probably too late.
Things are pretty good in the District. Fenty's administration has had its problems but again things are going pretty well. The economic downturn has hit DC but not as hard as in some other places. There seems to be some real progress in cleaning up the mess that is DC public schools. I have to assume if Gray wins we go back to square one on that.
There are the areas of the city where positive change is coming at a glacial pace. I speaking of course of the area across the Anacostia. There have been promises for years that improvements will be made there and no one not even Marion Barry seems to be able to deliver on that. I'm not sure Gray will be any different.
As for the general process of the election well I'm starting to think that it's a little flawed. The primary is a closed primary so only Democrats can vote in it. I was surprised to find out that there are over 70,000 registered independents in the city. They are essential shut out of the process. Yes they have the opportunity to switch parties but why should they. Why can't they declare their party affiliation when they are at their polling place? It is rather ironic for a city that so wants to have voting representation in Congress, that's motto on its license plate is taxation without representation would disenfranchise such a large group of people. Why not just have an open primary.
On a personal note, I will be glad when the primary is over. It means no more robo calls, no more campaign brochures being mailed or left on my door step and no more canvassers going door to door.
I don't know how long you have lived in DC. But, DC has always been about disenfranchise varies parts of population. They tend to use the regulatory powers (overreaching) of local government to raise revenue. But, they (DC gov) knows best.