Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Election in Nevada

Harry Reid Fight to Stay in Senate
Tied with Tea Party’s Sharon Angle in Nev.

That’s the headline today on the front page of the Washington Examiner. It’s a free paper handed out at Metro stops and in newsstands around the city. The first thing you need to know about the Examiner is that is a far far far right paper. It makes the Washington Times look moderate (a feat in and of itself).

I’d say that the headline is there to grab attention and also is slanted against Reid. I also find it interesting that Angle is referred to as a Tea Party candidate and not the nominee of the Republican Party. Seems to me a more balanced headline might have been Nevada race all tied up with a month to go until election or something along those lines.

That’s not to say that Reid is not fighting to stay in the Senate. He’s essentially tied with Angle. There’s also a third party candidate running who styles himself as the “real” Tea Party candidate. There was a great to do recently as Angle tried to get the guy to drop out by essentially promising him access to all the important people in Washington. So much for running against Washington.

But I digress from my point.

The point is like I said Reid is in trouble. But you could say the same thing about Angle. Reid is universally disliked in Nevada. At least that’s the impression I get from everything I read on him. Nevada has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. I think it is about 15 percent. So why isn’t Angle ahead and I mean way ahead. She should be moping the floor with Reid. Instead she is just even with him. The reason is that she is about as unpopular as Reid is. And is viewed in some circles (rightly to my way of thinking) as being an extreme right winger. Some of the things that come out of this woman’s mouth would be funny if it weren’t for the fact that she might become a Senator.

I will say Nevada has a great idea. There’s a none of the above choice on the ballot . To me this race points to how important it is for people to show up and vote. Not only in the general election but in the primaries as well. If this happened more often there’d be a better chance of better candidates running as opposed to Reid and Angle.

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