Wednesday, June 08, 2011

More Construction at Rhode Island Row

It's still a little difficult to figure out exactly where everything is going to go. The first picture is of the building going up right on Rhode Island Avenue. This is a view of the back. The last three pictures are the buildings that are closest to the Giant/Home Depot parking lot. Looks to me like there is going to be more above ground parking beside the parking garage that Metro built. Also there are in the process of adding siding to the outside walls.

This is pretty impressive considering they didn't really start this until the beginning of this year.


  1. Documenting the development of your neighborhood is a great service. Washington seems to be mushrooming all over. Where is this prosperity coming from?

  2. Developing the areas around Metro stations has been a goal of Metro for a long time. The next big development will come at the next stop on the Red Line, Brookland/Catholic University.

    I guess it goes to show that even in really bad economic times there are investors out there willing to take a risk.
