Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Friend Denis is in the New York Times Magainze.

My friend Denis is in an article in the New York Times Magazine. Not talked about in the article but quoted too!!

He dropped this bomb shell on his Facebook account on Monday. I haven't been able to talk to him about it yet. But here's the first paragraph from the article:

Denis Flanigan isn’t hiding anything. A 42-year-old psychotherapist in Houston, he has a straightforward manner that meshes nicely with his no-nonsense buzz cut and neatly clipped goatee. Unlike many mental-health professionals, Flanigan puts personal items on display in his office, including a photo of his partner, who is attractive, and male. For his patients’ amusement he has on hand an S-and-M Barbie as well as a Tickle Me Freud doll. (“It’s so, so . . . wrong,” Flanigan told me, in a tone that signaled he believed it was exactly right.) Flanigan’s no-secrets policy extends to his Web site, where he writes that he “has frequently been asked to speak on the gay and lesbian experience and mental health, transgender concerns and body-modification issues.” A member of the American Psychological Association, Flanigan has also served as Mr. Prime Choice Texas, winning a contest “designed for men 40 years or older who represent the masculine aesthetic embraced by the leather/Levi/uniform/fetish community.” In his own words, he identifies as a “militant homosexual.”

You can read the whole article by following this link.

And to think I knew him when he dyed his hair green. Way to go Denis!!!

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