Sunday, October 09, 2011

Trying to Play Catch Up but the Technology Isn't Helping

Over the next few days I hope to be playing catch up with the blog.

I'm starting to feel better. The head hurts a little less.

But now I'm having problems connecting to the internet.

Out of the blue Thursday evening I could no longer get an internet connection. No matter how many times I restarted my modem or restarted my computer, I could not get connected. The thing that gets me is Thursday morning I'd been able to connect without any problems.

I called Earthlink my service provider. I spent about 40 minutes on the phone with tech support. The upshot being I was finally able to get connected. I'm now connecting through something called a PPPoE which is Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet.

This works fairly well but there are times when the connection just drops off. Then when you try to reconnect you get a message that says cannot find a PPPoE. Needless to say this gets a little frustrating.

Hopefully this will all iron itself out over the next couple of days and I can start to catch up on everything.

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