Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm in the iCloud

At least I think I'm in the iCloud.

I wanted to set iCloud up so I could download the pictures I take on my iPhone to my home computer without having to connect the phone to the computer.

Turns out to do this I had to get the newest operating systems for my iMac. They no longer sell the operating system on a disc. You get to download it from the Apple Apps store.

I did that earlier this evening. It takes a while to download the 3.55 GB file. For awhile I wasn't sure it was even working correctly. Like I said it takes a little while to download the file. It took almost 3 hours to download the file.

Once that was completed it took another hour or so to install the new operating system. I also had to download the most recent version of iTunes. I think just about everything is up to date on my computer and everything should be working correctly.

I activated iCloud on my computer and my iPhone. Now I think if I've done this correctly when I connect to a Wifi network all my pictures and other info will go to the cloud. Now all I have to do is figure out how to access the cloud on my computer. But I'm going to do that tomorrow.

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