Monday, December 05, 2011

BB&T Classic

Stu and I went to the BB&T Classic at the Verizon Center on Sunday. It was GW against Virginia Commonwealth and Maryland against Notre Dame.

GW didn't do very well against VCU. The final score 75-60 didn't exactly reflect how close the game was. VCU was able to get off too many three point shots. In fact they had more points on 3-point baskets than GW had the whole first half:

“We were supposed to go under screens and we were helping too much,” GW Coach Mike Lonergan said. “We let [Bradford] Burgess get off to a great start, then we tried to change some things and three or four guys may have been on the same page, but a few guys would have a breakdown on every play. . . . We tried to trap a little, but the rotation was a little slow, which gave them more open threes.”

Maryland did better. They won against Norte Dame 78-71.

I forgot to bring my regular camera so these pictures were taken with my iPhone. I think they came out pretty well. As you can see there were not many people there. It did fill in a little for the second game.

Here's the GW pep band getting ready to play.

This young GW fan couldn't stand to watch the game at the end.

Stu and I mugging for the camera.

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