Saturday, January 14, 2012

Playing Tour Guide

I have some friends in town. I've been playing tour guide the last couple of days. They got in on Wednesday night. I left a little early from work. They took a bus from Dulles to L'Enfant Plaza. I met them there. Also had another friend show up. We went and to Starbucks and had something to drink and sat and chatted for awhile.

After that we took the subway to my house. We got settle in and went to an Ethiopian place for dinner. Very good food.

After that we drove around and saw the monuments at night. It was a rather cold rainy night so we stayed in the car but still got to enjoy seeing them.

They were on their own the next day. I had to go to work. Met up with them after work. They had met up with other mutual friends. We all went to the National Portrait Gallery and spent a couple of hours there. It's great that the Gallery stays open until 7 each night.

We said goodbye to those friends and then headed to DuPont Circle to met up with our friend from Wednesday. Had a great dinner at DuPont Italian Kitchen.

Yesterday I was off and we all went to the Newseum.

I have to say I like playing tour guide. It's fun to show people around the city.

I'll have some pictures later.

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