Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rhode Island Row — Close to finishing Construction

Everyday that get closer and closer to finishing the outside construciton on Rhode Island Row. There are no longer any major structures that need to be built. They are working on finishing the outside construction.

There is still a ways to go with getting everything finished and done on the inside. In fact that will probably take a few more months. But at I said in an earlier post, renters are moving in. Soon CVS will open. Not exactly sure how soon that will be but it sounds like by April it will be open.

It will be great when it's finally done.


  1. Jason, I really enjoy reading your posts about the updates on RIR's construction. Do you have a Twitter profile or Facebook page for your blog that I can keep up-to-date with you on as well? Thanks!

  2. Good work!! so usefull information in blog.

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