Friday, June 29, 2012

Chef's Best

I volunteered for Chef's Best on Tuesday. It is a fundraiser for Food and Friends:

Chef's Best Dinner & Auction is Food & Friends' signature fundraiser. More than $850,000 will be raised through the generosity of sponsors, table hosts, auction bidders, ticket purchasers, friends and guests.

This year, 60 of the region's most talented chefs will generously donate their time and talent to provide tastings of their specialties in order to support the more than 2,800 individuals who will receive 1.2 million specialized meals from Food & Friends this year alone.

I helped out with the Silent Auction. I walked around the tables answering questions and as one person put make sure the items didn't develop legs. It was a very fun time. Here are some of the items up for bid. Also some of the food too.

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