Saturday, June 16, 2012

GPS Idiocy

I took my car to the dealership this morning. I know the general way to get there but I usually end up driving past the place. Thus the reason I have the GPS to let me know when I've reached my destination.

Well for some strange reason close to where the dealership is the GPS tells me to make a left turn. I figure I'm at the dealership. It's on the opposite side of the road I'm driving on. I figure i'm going to be directed around the back of the place and not have to make a left hand turn i to the parking lot

So I make the left turn. I'm then told to make a right turn. Then after that a left turn. The GPS has directed me back to the road I'd previously been on. Essentially for no apparent reason I was directed around the block.

The dealership is another couple of miles down the road.

I'm now waiting there for them to let me know what's wrong with the air conditioning in my car. Hopefully they'll do better than the GPS.

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