Sunday, August 19, 2012

Trip to National Harbor via Alexandria

So Jim and I were trying to think up something to do on Monday. I'd taken the day off. We went out to breakfast at a place near where I live and started thinking of things to do. Jim came up with the idea of going to Alexandria and taking the water taxi that goes to National Harbor to National Harbor.

That's what we did. We just missed the 10:45 taxi. So while waiting for the next one, we walked through the Torpedo Factory and looked at the different artists there.

We ended up on the 12:05 taxi. It was wonderful ride on the water. Here are some pictures.

We had a great time at National Harbor. Walked around and did a little shopping mostly at the Peep Store (yes the Peep Store) and then had a wonderful lunch. Then we walked around a little more and headed back on the 3:15 taxi. A wonderful day indeed.

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