Monday, September 17, 2012

Romney Campaign: Because We Say So

That seems to be the theme of the Romney campaign these days because we say so. They take a position on an issue or make a statement and when questioned about it essentially say because we say so.

The most recent example of this is the assertion by a Romney aid that if Romney was president there would have been no rioting in the Middle East because America would be "respected" in the region. Where to begin with this one. First off in times of foreign crises you rally around the country and the president. There's more than enough time after the crisis has passed to be assign blame.

But in a continuation of the Republican party where party is put first and the country an extremely distance second, we get this response. The other thing is "respect" for America has nothing to go with what’s going on in the middle east (the fact the Romney campaign can’t figure this out calls into question there ability to make America "respected" at all after all Russia is our main enemy in the world). I would say it’s the problem of the Arab street being unable to understand how a democracy works and how free speech works in that democracy.

But let’s look at some of the other because we say so statements. I’ve run a business so I know how to get people jobs. Problem here is that the goal in running a business is not to hire people but to make a profit. There’s nothing wrong with making a profit (see the discussion I have with Arthur on our 2political podcast about this). Sometimes in making a profit for a business it coincides with hiring people but sometimes in trying to keep the business going it means laying people off. You have to talk about the whole picture not just the part of it that reflects well on you.

The next one, also job related, I’m going to create 6 million or 12 million or how many millions of jobs. How will you go about doing that? It will just happen. But why will it happen: Because we say so.

What else comes to mind? We’re going to close tax loop holes and won’t have to raise taxes because of it. Which ones? Well we won’t go into details about that before the election (because we might piss people off who might vote for us). Then how will that close the deficit. Because we say so.

Ryan’s wonderful plan on vouchers for Medicare. What happens if costs continue to rise even with competition. Response that won’t happen. Competition between insurance companies will keep prices down. But what if it doesn't. Oh but it will. But why? Because we say so.

So I’m trying to figure out how all these things will work out exactly as they say so. Perhaps they’ve found the ruby slippers and the wand (because they do have to work together) and that’s how it will work. Perhaps they’ve found the 7 horcruxes and will destroy them and that’s how it will work (although I'm not sure they would destroy them seems to me more likely they would be making the horcruxes). Perhaps they’ve figured out what the 5th element is and that’s how it will work. Perhaps they’ve figured out what the Matrix is really all about and that’s how it will work. Perhaps they’ve perfected the use of the force and that’s how it will work. Or perhaps the one ring of power wasn’t destroyed in Mount Doom. They have it and will use it and that’s how it will work.

Now you make think all of the above are a fiction. That there is no way any of this could possibly be true. But I say trust me. You say why. Because I say so.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting New Yorker commentary with a premise complementary to yours:
