Monday, September 03, 2012

Saturday Slug Fest

That's what it was on Saturday at National's Park. It unfortunately ended with the Nationals loosing to the Cardinals 10-9. It was nevertheless an extremely exciting game. Four home runs between the two teams.

This is how the Post summed up the loss:

After the Nationals and St. Louis Cardinals traded blows for an entire loopy Saturday afternoon, after dusk encroached and 34,004 had clapped and shrieked for nearly four hours, the Nationals’ clearest flaw led to their 10-9 loss: For the life of them, they cannot prevent runners from stealing bases.

It was indeed their undoing. But I will say the game was very enjoyable. Someone at work had an extra ticket and I got it. The seats were really good. Well actually we didn't sit in those exact seats. It was a hot day and the sun was out for part of the game. We ended up seating a few rows further up but the seats were a little closer to home plate. We were on the Nationals side near first base. The seat was free and best of all the company was great. Too bad they didn't win the game but exciting as I said.

Here's Danny Espinosa solo home run in the 6th.

And of course there were the running presidents. They danced more than ran this time around.

Next game for me is Wednesday against the Cubs.

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