Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Nationals Win It Out

What a day. The Nationals win 5-1 against the Phillies:

They clinch the top seed in the playoffs.

They have home field advantage through winning the World Series (might as well aim high).

And Teddy won his first race today!!!!!:

To the list of momentous firsts accomplished during this crazy joyride of a Nationals season — first winning record, first playoff berth, first division title, first injection of Natitude — add this: for the first time, Teddy Roosevelt won the fourth-inning Presidents Race. Yes, after more than 500 attempts since the popular race debuted at RFK Stadium in the summer of 2006, the giant-headed mascot depicting the 26th President finally crossed the finish line first.

The panorama view of where we were sitting last night.

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