Monday, April 01, 2013

The On Again Off Again On, Yankee Game

I went in on a partial season with a my friend Mark for the Nationals. It is 21 games in total. We had a list of 20 games with one game to be determined down the road.

One day I went to the list of games on the National site. Suddenly there was our 21st game. It was to be the last preseason game against the Yankees. It also was the only home preseason game.

A couple of weeks later I got a call from Mark saying the Yankee game had been taken off our list. I was a little disappointed because this was the only time this season they would play the Yankees.

Well then a couple of weeks after that I got a text from Mark saying he'd gotten tickets to go to the Yankee game. There was advanced notification of this. The tickets has just arrive in the mail. And that's how we got to go to see the Yankees.

The last two pictures are of a cup stacking contest that was held. the idea was to get the red cup all to the top of the stack of cups and then back to the bottom stack of cups. The guy on the left one.

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