Sunday, June 09, 2013

A Ballgame on My Birthday with My Brother

Wednesday was my birthday. It was a really great day.

I had lunch with my friend Stu at one of our favorite places, Franklin's. I had a cheddar burger. Yum!

Then I went to a Nationals game.

My brother just so happened to be in town on business. The hotel he happened to be staying at was a couple of blocks from the park. It was possible he would have a dinner meeting but in the early afternoon he decided we'd go to the game. Mark very graciously game up his seat so my brother and I could go to the game together.

In an it's a small world moment, my friend Lis was going to the game with a group from her son's school. She said to look for a bunch of people in green t-shirts. As my brother and I were entering the park, we ran into them. Now we had debated where to eat dinner. Turns out we ate it at his hotel. But if we had gone to the park we would never have run into Lis.

It was very fun being at the game on my birthday with my brother. The game was not all that exciting since the Nationals lost 10-1 to the Mets. For a different results with the Mets go here.

After the game I went back to my brother's hotel for a little while. It was a really wonderful night. I don't think we'd been to a game together since my dad's 85th birthday and that was a minor league game. The last time we'd been to a professional game together well that's been years and years.

Here are a couple of pictures from the game.

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