Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Wonderful Friday Night at Nats' Park, Part II

It was such a wonderful night. One slight little draw back were the people seating behind us. I won't go into too much detail but all four of us got sick of listening to them. Loud and very obnoxious. After the seventh inning stretch we moved to seats a section over.

But on to some fun stuff. Plenty of Presidents to see. And me with some of them too!

George tosses a t-shirt.

Me and Teddy hanging out before the game.

I posted this one from the game but I really like it so here it is again. Me, Abe and Louise.

One thing to notice is all the guys in white shirts over Teddy's shoulder. There was a huge group of Mormons at the game. They took up several sections at the 300 level. They really stood out in their white shirts. During one of the breaks between innings when they show people dancing, the Mormons were shown and the whole section went nuts.

There were fun people sitting around us too. This is a picture of the kid in front of us. Somewhere in there is an actual hotdog.

Finally here's the gang at Nats' Park. Thanks once again to Diane's husband for getting us the tickets. These are season tickets for the firm he works for. And wow were they great seats!

Louise, Christian, Diane and me (I'm eating my ice cream)

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