Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Guns, Guns, Guns

So yet another mass shooting. Surprised not really. Saddened of course. Angry even more so.

I'd hoped that the first reports would prove that there would be few fatalities but unfortunately that was not the case.

This will renew the debate again on gun control. I could go into a long rant that now is the time for reasonable gun control legislation. Expanding back ground checks, closing the gun show loop hole. And on and on.

But the reality is that it doesn't matter. There will be no legislation passed. And six months from now or a year or two or five or ten when the next mass shooting takes place the same discussion will happen. And once again absolutely nothing will happen.

The NRA has built a temple to the gun which all Americans must bow down to. Until that temple is destroyed and the NRA's power blunted these mass shootings will continue.

After all after a bunch of children were slaughter and nothing was done, does anyone think this time around will be any different? We will just wait for the next one to happen. Maybe the next time not as many people will die. And that's about all we can hope for.

How pathetic is that? And what does it say about this country that a gun is more important than a person's life.

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