Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Hypocrisy of the Republican Shutdown

It would be funny the hypocrisy the Republicans are showing about the Republican shutdown. Trying to blame everyone but themselves for the Republican shutdown. Funny except for the fact of the impact that it is having on real people (as opposed to the Republican member of Congress whose mantra was that no one would notice the government being shut down. Sort of like the way they believed all the polls in the last election were wrong and Romney would win in a landslide).

First off we have to set the scene for the first round of hypocrisy by the Republicans about the shutdown.

The Republican shutdown starts on Tuesday. Every major TV media outlet set up a camera and reporter in front of a monument, National Park or museum that is closed. What better way to show the impact of the Republican shutdown on the country. And every report had a close up of the sign saying this park, monument or museum was closed due to the Republican shutdown.

There were also reports about slow downs at the VA.

In jump the Republicans to fund the National Park Service and the VA but no other parts of the government. As one of the Republicans said who could be against opening the parks. And who could possibly be against helping out our veterans. Wow suddenly Republicans are concerned about ordinary Americans. No not all. What they are concerned about is the bad publicity this brings to them for the Republican shutdown. The pictures of closed parks, museums and monuments show just how stupid it was to shut down the government.

Move on to day two of the Republican shutdown. There are news reports that the NIH has had to cancel enrolling people in clinical trials. Some of these trials involve people with cancer and some of them involve children. I think kids with cancer too. From the Republicans certainly we can fund NIH so these people aren't denied being enrolled in these studies. Yet where was the concern when the sequester caused hundreds of clinical trials to be cancelled. And I assume some of them involved kids with caner. No concern at all then. But when the Republican shutdown closes NIH all of sudden Republican are concerned. Not about the people denied the studies but because once again it shows the impact closing the government has on ordinary Americans. Once again bad publicity for the Republican shutdown.

Finally the most incredibly bit of hypocrisy by the Republicans. They went over to the World War II Memorial and took afront that it was closed. How dare the park service deny these veterans access to their memorial. Well the park service "denied access" because of the Republican shutdown that's why you morons. Your actions caused this to happen.

Of course one of the Tea Partiers blamed the Obama Administration for it. Saying they specifically targeted the World War II Memorial for shutdown. No Congressman you caused this to happen by having the Republican shutdown take place.

Finally the single more hypocritical politican of all Michele Bachmann stands in front of a mic and says they are not going to let these veterans be used as political pawns. Unless of course the Republicans can use them to divert attention from the Republican shutdown.

No matter how hard they try. No matter how hard they try to divert attention to what they've done. There is no way to avoid the fact this is the Republican shutdown period.

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