Saturday, March 01, 2014

Laughing with Gilda Radner

I watched the best of Gilda Radner on SNL over the past weekend.

Oh my. I laughed so hard I cried. Radner had so many memorable characters. Emily Litella, Roseanne Roseannadanna, Candy Slice to name a few.

I searched the Internet for clips of her many characters. Here are a few of them. Some are embedded while others are links to sites with the clip. Enjoy.

Here's Candy Slice and Give Me Mick

But what has to be one of the funniest sketches is with Candice Bergen where Bergen flubs her lines and completely looses it. But Radner ever the trooper goes on and ad libs something which causes Bergen to loose it all over again. Here’s a clip of that.

Here with the Muppets!

Lisa Loopner

Then of course there is Roseanne Roseannadanna

And then there was the unforgettable dance with Steve Martin to Dancing in the Dark (a musical number from the Band Wagon with Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse). It’s amazing what the two of them do together. That not only is the sketch funny but it shows just how good the two of them were as dancers.

Martin hosted SNL the day Radner dies. Here is a clip of that as he introduces Dancing in the Dark.

It just goes to show ya that even after all these years she can still make me laugh.

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