Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cherry Blossoms Hitting Their Peak

It is now official the cherry blossoms have hit their peak:

Park Service spokesman Brian Hall said the bloom was declared at its peak after Mary Willeford Bair, natural resource manager, inspected the trees Thursday morning and reported back.
Peak bloom is defined as the day when 70 percent of the blossoms are open. They then usually last seven to 10 days, barring high wind or heavy rain, Hall said.

I went down to the Tidal Basin after work on Friday. I wasn't sure if I would get down to see them otherwise or how the weather would be on Saturday (turns out the weather will be spectacular). I'm so glad I went down. The Tidal Basin was spectacular. Here are some pictures to prove it.

I might even try to go down and see them today. I'll have to see just how crowded it is. But I will have more pictures.

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