Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chef's Best — A Great Cause and even Greater Food

This is how the Food and Friend's site describes Chef's Best:

Chef's Best Dinner & Auction is our signature fundraiser. On Tuesday, May 13th, more than 1,500 guests will enjoy tastings from 60 of the region's brightest culinary stars while raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to support children and adults facing HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-challenging illnesses. In addition to a menu filled with one-of-a-kind delights, you'll enjoy bidding on live and silent auctions featuring travel opportunities and other great adventures.

It is a real treat to say to say the least. I volunteered to help out with the silent auction this year. It is the third time I've done it. Hard to say what was the best thing to eat on Tuesday but here's what I said on Facebook. Best thing at Chefs's Best tonight was the shrimp and grits. Then the snapper ceviche. Then there was this salmon that was really great. And these amazing cookies. OK just about everything was amazing. 

Yes everything was amazing and it helps a great cause. 

Just a cookie or two.

The wonderful salmon.

People enjoying the food

The shrimp and grits being made

Diane, Christian and me.

The pineapple palm tree

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