Friday, June 06, 2014

A Most Incredibly Wonderfully Fantastic Super Cool Birthday

Teddy finding out it's my birthday

Me after the win

The group after the game: Lisa, me, Sue and Karen. We had a blast!

I posted this on Facebook. I'm reposting it on my blog with a few pictures to go along with it. There will be more pictures and maybe some video too!

Every have one of those days when everything seems to align in your favor. You know When the moon is in the Seventh House. And Jupiter aligns with Mars.

OK well not exactly like that. Except well that’s about how the day went.

We had rain Wednesday night. Woke up today to over cast and drizzle. By the time we were heading to the game. Bright sunshine a few clouds. Low humidity and temperatures in the upper 70s.

Got to leave work at 1:30 to head to the game with three friends from work.

Had a little glitch on the drive down to the stadium. But that will be something to be told and smiled and laughed at in the future. It will be remember the time we went down to the Nats game and . . .

Hard to believe the weather could be better but it seemed to when we got to the park.

I got my picture taken with each of the presidents. How cool is that? Had a great lunch (yes there is good food at Nats’ park). At the 7th inning stretch we all went and got Gelato. Can you say yum? I thought you could.

And the Nats won 4-2 against the hated Phillies. Ryan Zimmerman is back from his broken thumb and shows he’s ready for prime time. He singled and drove in a run. Adam LaRoche homers in the 5th inning. In the last three games I’ve been to I’ve seen the Nats hit 7 home runs.

Then it’s the concert after the game by Plain White T’s. We went to the lower level to get a better seat. As we round a corner, we run into a guy we used to work with. We haven’t seen him in a year and a half.

We get a good seat for the concert. The Plain White T’s are great. They played for about an hour and were well great. I’ll be downloading their songs from iTunes shortly.

We have a nice leisurely stroll back to the car. The sun is setting. It is a beautiful night out. I get dropped off at 3rd and Independence. I decide I’m going to walk to the Capitol. As I get closer to it I start to hear music. Turns out The President’s Own U.S. Marine Band in giving a concert. I stop and listen and stay until the end. Stars and Stripes fantastic.

After that I walk to Union Station and head home. The night is not over because I stop at the store and pick up a piece of cheese cake. It is after all my birthday and one always has cake on ones birthday.

Could the day have been any better?

Yes, I get to come home to my two wonderful cats Charlie and Linus.

I’m not sure that peace will guide the planets or that love will steer the stars.

But I will say one of the best birthdays ever!

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