Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy 88th Birthday to My Dad, Jack

Wishing my dad, Jack, all the best on his 88th birthday.

Well now what I really wish for him is that he had fantastically fun, incredibly wonderful, super duper happy happy happy birthday.

There that's better. When you wish someone a HAPPY BIRTHDAY someone like your dad, you need to make a real celebration not just happy birthday.

So thank you for all the wonderful things you've done for me over the years. Love you.


A few pictures

One of my favorites. This is when Jack came out to DC for a visit and we visited  Civil War battlefield.

Near Springfield one of the winners of the biggest pumpkin contest

At the Ozark Steam Engine Association Steamorama.

Here are the boys. I'm waiting to catch a plane to head back to DC

This was part of his 85th birthday celebration

At Bass Pro in Springfield.

All of us at the MS Ride

My dad with his brother Harmon

Harmon and Jack

Jack at Christmas time

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