A major construction project is underway of the National Mall. This is something that has been talked about for some time.
The Mall gets uses a great deal. This area is where over flow crowds end up for an inauguration or a concert or the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival. They are also used for people to play Frisbee, kick ball, baseball and football.
Officially it is called Turf Restoration Phase II. Here's a little more about it:
The turf restoration project was designed to create a healthy and water efficient landscape across the renowned green expanse of the National Mall. Phase II of the restoration, which began in October 2014, includes excavation and removal of 4-5’ of damaged soil, installation of irrigation drainage and a 250,000 gallon cistern to collect and allow the sustainable reuse of storm water, and installation of compaction-resistant engineered soil. - See more at: http://nationalmall.org/building/restore-improve/progress/active-projects/turf-restoration-phase-ii#sthash.E2LlCcmr.dpuf
The turf restoration project was designed to create a healthy and water efficient landscape across the renowned green expanse of the National Mall. Phase II of the restoration, which began in October 2014, includes excavation and removal of 4-5’ of damaged soil, installation of irrigation drainage and a 250,000 gallon cistern to collect and allow the sustainable reuse of storm water, and installation of compaction-resistant engineered soil.
I'll post updates from time to time to show how things are progressing.
Hey didn't they already complete this work further up the mall ?