Saturday, April 04, 2015

Just a Couple of Days Away Until Opening Day! — To Get You in the Mood an Exhibition Game Today at Nats Park

The season is fast approaching. In fact there is the final preseason game today at Nats' Park and I'm going.

I got this email about it yesterday it said in part:

Due to the MLB mandated use of metal detectors, fans are encouraged to allow plenty of extra time to get to their seats. All guests must pass through a form of metal detection to enter the ballpark. Guests who don't wish to walk through a metal detector will have the option of being checked with a handheld metal detection device.

Prior to entering the ballpark, guests will first have their bags checked. As in past seasons, all bags are subject to search and bags larger than 16"x16"x8" will not be permitted inside. Guests will then walk through a metal detector and if the device detects metal on a guest, there will be a secondary screening with a handheld device. After clearing the bag check and metal detector, guests will then scan their ticket at a turnstile to enter the ballpark.

Season Plan Holders will have designated entry lanes at Center Field, Right Field, Left Field and Home Plate Gates. In order to use one of these designated entry lanes guests must show their Season Plan Holder card.
 I called up Mark and asked if he got the cards yet (he's the point person on our season tickets). He said he'd gotten another email from the Nationals saying the cards wouldn't be ready until sometime next week. So won't have the card to use today or to use on opening day either. I have another game on Thursday hopefully the cards will have arrived by then.

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