Monday, August 03, 2015

Charlie and Linus Help Me Build a Bookcase

Linus making sure all the pieces to the bookcase are there

With the hole in the ceiling, I had to move the tall bookcase that I had underneath it. Charlie and Linus got on the top of the bookcase and look longingly up at the hole. They seemed to be trying to figure out how to jump up into the ceiling.

I ended up moving the bookcase. While doing so I realized that the bookcase wasn't in all that great shape and was overloaded. I decided it was time to get another bookcase. I decided on something a little smaller. I got to two one to go upstairs where I had a bookcase fall apart on me

Saturday I put together the one for the dinning room. Linus and Charlie decided they would help out. Linus was more hands on. Charlie took on more of a supervisory role.

Linus helping to tighten one of the cam screws.

Charlie in his supervisory role.

Linus making sure nothing was left in the box

The finished product.

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