Monday, September 21, 2015

Lis, Ian and I Go to a Nats Game

Liz and me after the game.

I met up with my friend Lis and her son, Ian, on Saturday and we went to a Nats game. This is a big thing for Lis because she is very much a soccer person and finds baseball long and dull. While I am very much a baseball person and find soccer long and dull (the score can end up being 0-0. Really!)

But we had a really nice time. The weather was great. We went to Shake Shack. And the Nats won the game who could ask for anything more!

In all a really great time.

Lis being all motherly to Ian

Me posing with one of great vendors at the park.

Lis could barely keep a wake

Next to Jordan Zimmermann who got the win.

Ian and me next to a picture of Doug Fister.

In the park before the game started.


  1. LiS. Li*S* already. But it was good times. Once I woke up.

  2. Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I shall change that.
