Monday, January 11, 2016

Playing Catch Up — A Wonderful Christmas Time, Part I

I have to say I was a little less than in the Christmas mood this year. Lots of stuff going on contributing to it. (Part of it was I was behind in getting presents for people.)

Having Denis visit, seeing Star Wars and visiting the White House started me getting into the mood.

There were no problems with flights out to Springfield. In fact the flight from Dallas to Springfield was very neat. It was a different carrier than I usually am on. This was Mesa Airlines operating as American Eagle. It was a normal sized plane. It had a fist class section. The main cabin was two seats on either side. I could actually stand up in the aisle without hitting my head on the ceiling of the plane. There were also really comfortable seats too.

I arrived to a very warm day in Springfield in the low 60s. It stayed warm and sunny until the weekend when the rain started. That Saturday there was almost 7 inches of rain. But it really didn’t stop us from having a good time.

We went to a wonderful Christmas Eve service. Jennifer did the research on what services would work best and she picked this one. It was just amazing. There was a small orchestra and a wonderful choir. There were about ten of them but then sounded like they were much larger. Just fantastic voices.

There was lots and lots and lots of good food every day. A very fun time relaxing and talking and watching TV. A fun time opening all our presents on Christmas Day. We did our annual holiday movie. It was of course Star Wars. Everyone enjoyed it. 

So here are a few pictures from Christmas.

The stockings were sure stuffed with stuff!

My dad got this cool model truck which also serves as a piggy bank.

Ed in his new shirt and Jennifer with her festive bow on.

We had fun munching on these during the course of the day.

Ed with an appropriately titled bottle of hot sauce

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