Sunday, May 08, 2016

On the Grounds at Fredericksburg

These first pictures are of the Kirkland Monument. Here's a little more about it:
While the Civil War entailed immense destruction and tragedy, it did not always engender hate. For two days following the battle, wounded Union soldiers, caught between the lines, cried out for water. Though exposure to enemy fire even for a moment meant almost certain death, Sergeant Richard R. Kirkland of the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers tried to help.

Filling several canteens with water, the young Confederate stepped over the stone wall to care for his wounded enemies. When Union soldiers understood Kirkland’s purpose, they ceased firing at him and cheered. For nearly two hours he continued his ministrations. Kirkland has since been known as “The Angel of Marye’s Heights.” He died in battle at Chickamauga, Georgia, in September 1863.

The last two pictures give you a perspective of what Marye's Heights is like. It is a very steep hill. It afforded the Confederates an excellent view of the advancing Union forces. It was also a great place for the Confederates to place their cannon. 

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