Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Finally a Ceiling Fan on the Ceiling

I've been talking about putting up ceiling fans for many many many years. Like at least five or more.

I had planned on taking advantage of an offer made at Home Depot many years ago. They would install the fans for free. I went into the store one day to do just that and the offer had ended a few days earlier. I didn't realize just how much you get charged to install a fan. I thought at the most maybe a couple of hundred dollars. No much more than that. I asked for some bids to put two fans. I think the cheapest price I got was around $500. Way too much money.

At Christmas I got some money from my dad. In the note enclosed in the card was a note that said buy the damn ceiling fans. I got back from Springfield and did just that. I did research on the best size fan to buy for the rooms I wanted them in. I then went down to Home Depot and bought them. I bought just two. My plan was to put them in the living and dinning room.

They sat in their boxes for many months. A couple friends said they would help install them. I finally made arrangements with one friend to put one up. We ended up cancelling that. This past Friday talked to that friend again and he said we've never put up those fans. So he said how about tomorrow. I said sure. I added that I decided to put the first one in my bedroom. In part because the ceiling was much lower than the one in the dinning room.

Around noon on Saturday my friend arrived. We then installed the fan. Actually it was more like I watched as he installed the fan. I did help out some.

So thanks Tom for helping me to finally get a ceiling fan up. Hopefully the next one wont't take another five years.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Jason. There's no shame in needing some help to install those suckers! I had to get a professional come over and help me install my ceiling fan, because I kept running into issues when trying to do it on my own. Mine cost a pretty penny, too, and this one better last long enough so I don't have to buy another for years!
