Monday, March 13, 2017

Threads at Carroll Square Gallery

A wonderful opening reception of Threads at Carroll Square Gallery at 975 F St. NW. My friend Frederick had three pieces. My favorite is the one above.

Here's information on the exhibit:
The use of thread in creative endeavors can be traced back to the use of flax by early humans. Its inherent presence in sewing, weaving, and quilting may go unnoticed as machine-made processes replace manual techniques. Often employed in idiomatic expressions, the word “thread” has come into common usage to evoke the presence of meaningful connections between things. We would be well served to remember the emotional qualities textiles take on and how they are essential to the human experience. They provide the warmth and covering necessary for survival, and adorn domestic spaces to serve utilitarian as well as decorative purposes. The artists of Threads, Jane Anthony, Louisiana Bendolph, Kathryn Clark, Frederick Nunley and Patrick McDonough explore the use of thread by either its absence or presence in weaving, printmaking, needlepoint, quilting, and industrial design.

Coded Connections by Frederick Nunley

A close up of Coded Connections by Frederick Nunley

Shoeman's Puzzle Improvations by Frederick Nunley

Wave Shirt Quilt Frederick Nunley

Puffs of White by Jane Anthony

Albuquerque Foreclosure Quilt by Kathryn Clark

Riverside Foreclosure Quilt by Kathryn Clark

As I leave I shall Return by Louisiana Bendolph

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