Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Across the Bridge

I made it across the Memorial Bridge into Virginia this morning. I'm trying to think the last time I did that. It's been years. Probably four years maybe even longer.

I also made it back home. I'm thinking I will really be feeling it today. The next couple of days it's supposed to be lousy weather so I will be resting.

I was going to take a picture of the Memorial Bridge but it's under construction. I was pleasantly surprised when I crossed the roads needed to get to the Mt. Vernon Trail that cars actually stopped for me. I had stopped at one of the roads and was confused why cars were slowing down. I then realized it was so I could cross the road. I waved and went on my way.

I made it to Gravelly Point to watch the planes take off. The only thing is in the ten minutes I was there all of one plane took off. At that time of day 6::30am on a Wednesday there should have planes lined up on the tarmac waiting to take off. As I said there was one lone take off and no additional planes waiting to take off.

On the way home I decided I would take the 14th Street Bridge to get back into DC. As soon as I got on it I remembered why I never used to take the Bridge to get back into DC. Your riding across a vehicle bridge so you are in a confined area. There is a fence on either side of you and of course cars on the bridge. So there's all that nice clean air your breathing. Also there's a little more wind partially from the cars but also because you're completely out in the open. Note to self don't use the bridge again.

I'm very proud that I made it. I'm also rather surprised how well I'm holding up since this is the most consecutive days I've been on a bike in years.

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