Saturday, May 09, 2020

Hand Sanitizer Everywhere

Here's the collection of hand sanitizer that I have. Now don't get mad. I am not hoarding hand sanitizer. Most, but not all, of this collection of hand sanitizer I've found as I've been cleaning.

I mean after all there's only so many things to keep yourself occupied during all of this "fun" we are having so you eventually start cleaning things.

In the process of cleaning I have discovered many of these bottles of hand sanitizer. To give you an idea of how old some of these bottles are four of them have expiration dates of 2011. Yes 2011. Which means I probably bought some of these in 2010 so they are at least ten years old. I'm thinking I must have bought them when during Swine Flu.

Still haven't figured out if I'm going to throw them out or not. I suppose I probably should. For now I'm keeping the really old ones in my bathroom. I only use them if I've been in the house for the day. If I've gone out for any reason I use the current hand sanitizers.

The take away from this is to do a thorough search to make sure how many of a certain item you have on hand. If you don't, you can end up with five jars of mayonnaise like some people I know did. But that's another story.

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