Monday, May 04, 2020

The Behemoth

I don't know any other word to describe what I'm going to assume is single family home. (The ironic part is this house is located right across the street to the vacant property that had it's door ajar.)


They have been working on this for the past several months. Lately work has slowed or stopped which seems to be happening to way many of the building projects nears my house.


Here are pictures of this behemoth. I thought for a moment maybe it was a church since there is a building very similar to this not too far away. But then I looked at the front door and realized that wasn't the case.

So here are the pictures. The "house" is three stories tall with a basement. There is also a building in the back which I think is a garage. Even that is huge.

Here are some questions I have: how much it costs, will there be an open house I can go to to see it, and who the hell is going to clean the thing. Cleaning the windows alone would take most of the day.


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