Monday, August 10, 2020

A Great Sunday Ride


I realized something on the ride this morning. Actually after I'd turned around. I took a little rest to catch my breath and started back to DC.
I seemed to have a lot of energy and was going rather fast. That's when I realized I was going down river which of course means the elevation was slowly going down too. So I had a subtle down hill all the way back to Georgetown. That's also the reason I was huffing and puffing going in the other direction because 
I was going up river or up a slight incline.
The other reason I was huffing and puffy was it was very humid out so humid that there was fog. At one point my glasses fogged up to because of both fogs I almost hit a jogger. But missed him at the last moment.
This was a very productive ride. It was the first time I'd ridden for four days in a row. It was also the longest ride so far this year at 23.05 miles. 
Monday is a rest day.


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