Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My day off

I took the day off today to run some errands.

Sam has had as we say in my family distress in the lower track for the past few days. What with all the crazy stuff about pet food and what not I decided the best thing to do was to take him to the vet. I called on Monday when I got home from work and got a 9 am appointment today.

I figured I needed to leave around 8. That would give me plenty of time to catch Sam get him into his carrier, drive over to the vets and then find a parking space. Well it couldn't have worked any better. I'd brought the carrier up early in the week. While Sam was out this morning, I moved the carrier up into the front bedroom. I closed all the closet doors so there would be no place to hide. Sam came in from outside. At just about 8, I scooped him up from the couch and took him upstairs. He had very little time to resist. Believe me for a small 12 pound cat he put up a great deal of resistance.

The ride to the vet even in rush hour was not bad at all. I found a parking place about two blocks from the office. I ended up being about 20 minutes early which was just fine by me. Better early than being late.

The vet saw Sam. She gave him a thorough examination. She thought he just had distress in the lower track too. I got an antibiotic that will calm down his digestive track. In essence I was given pepto to give to him. We decided that best way to give it to him would be in liquid form. The pill was not small and I could not see me getting Sam to take even a small pill. I give him the stuff twice a day. This should be interesting and messy. I should see results in a couple of days I was told.

I got back to my house around 10.

I then proceeded to the main task that I had planned for the day and that was getting my car inspected. It took my around a half hour to get down to the place. The first line I was put in was not moving at all. I was directed to another line and then it promptly stopped moving. But after being there a little over 15 minutes it was my turn. It took another 15 minutes to inspect the car. I was done. The car had passed inspection. I was heading home at about 11:20. I stopped off at the grocery store to pick up some stuff and was home around 12:15.

A rather successful morning if I do say so myself.

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